Currently, there are two methods of cleaning ships: dry dock
and underwater cleaning.
Dry docking a vessel for repairs and maintenance, including cleaning,
is expensive and usually occurs once in 3 to 5 years.

Between dry-dockings, regular underwater cleaning is carried
out by hydraulic brush systems. Although compared to manual methods
of cleaning existing mechanical cleaning
systems are better, they do have a number of limitations:
- Damage to protective coatings
- Limited cleaning on thick fouling
- Inability to clean curved surfaces and hard-to-reach places
- Use of heavy equipment
- Potential oil leakage
- Rapid wear of brushes
- Necessity of periodic equipment cleaning
- Possibility of diver trauma
Cavi-Jet Technology, the
newest technology for underwater cleaning, does not have
the above-mentioned limitations and exceeds all existing technologies
in underwater cleaning.